Fitness Friday - FItting in a Workout

I know, I know, I posted about workouts yesterday.  But I've had a few people ask me a little bit about my workouts recently, so I thought I'd discuss in a little more detail today.

The question I get asked most frequently is how do I fit in my workouts.  Back when Skip and I were first married, I had tons of time to do long workouts.  I'd take a 4+ mile walk or hit the gym whenever Skip was working and I was off {and as a teacher I only worked till 3:30}.  Back then then I got in at least 5 workouts a week.

Enter children.  My time to workout was cut drastically.  But it was still something super important to me, and so I vowed to make it a priority.  That's really the first step in finding time to workout.  You have to make the time.  Especially when you have children, no one is going to just magically adjust your schedule to fit it in.  That's what you have to do.  And it really takes a commitment.

Another thing that really helps in my ability to workout most days a week, is Skip.  He also goes running most days a week.  We made a commitment to each other to make sure the other one gets that opportunity.  Whether it's your husband, mom, nanny, or day-care workers at the gym, you have to line up someone else to watch your kids while you get in a workout.

Okay, so here's how I get it done.  First off, my kids will not go to the day care at the gym I go to...Charlie screams uncontrollably.  So that's not an option for us.  So I have to rely either on them sleeping or Skip watching them.  Skip works shift work as a cop.  That means his schedule rotates between the day shift and the night shift every week.  He also works a decent amount of overtime, which means a double shift of 16 hours.  That means that I have to be super flexible every day about when I can work out.  It's rarely something I can schedule in advance.

If Skip is working the day shift, I workout when he gets home.  I'll either go out real quick around 4 when he gets in, or wait until around 7 {we eat around 5:00 or 5:30 with the girls}.  If he works overtime on those days {which doesn't get him home till 11:00 or so} I do a workout DVD after the girls go to bed, anytime between 8:00 and 10:00 pm.

When Skip works nights, I normally workout in the morning before he leaves.  If I don't get a chance to, I'll do the post-bedtime workout DVD.

Skip's days off we just fit in workouts whenever we can. 

The reason I am so successful in this, is that I have really committed to working out almost every day.  Yes, it takes time away from my family, but only 30-45 minutes.  When you think about it, that's really not a lot of time.

I hope this helps all of you mommies struggling to find the time to workout!


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