Friday Ramblings and Photo Dump

I haven't been feeling great on and off all week.  I can't figure out if it's allergies or a cold, but I'm over it.  Anyways, I'm too busy blowing my nose to write anything of substance, so here's a nice photo fluff post for you today!
Emmy changes into a different princess costume every  afternoon.  These were things I dreamed about when I first had a little girl. 

We had a make-shift pond in our backyard due to a couple of really big storms recently.  I'm sure it grosses people out, but letting the girls play in it was one of my smartest ideas.  Kept them busy for hours!

Emmy's new obsession these days is worms...

It totally grosses me out

Most of the time I work out in a tank top and old maternity shorts.  So  I felt all dressed up when I wore actual running clothes the other day.

Apparently I should do that more often since I broke all kinds of personal records that day 


Emmy drew up this design the other day for a tower.  She then recreated it with her blocks.  Possible future architect?

There has been a lot of coloring going on around here recently 

My walls are overrun with pictures!

Umm when did she get so big?

Sunny skies make me happy

As long as it is warm, we spend all our time outside.  Sunshine is good for all of us

Best snack ever.  Also best snack to eat while finally catching up on Homeland season 2!!

This is Emmy at her doctor's office...which is the same office and doctor I went to as a kid.  She's also playing the same Ms. Pac-Man game I used to play.  
Hope you all have a great weekend!!!


  1. I love popcorn and M&M's too. Best PMS snack ever.

  2. Such cute littles!!! First time by the blog. :)


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