Mom's Know Best!

Thanks to Nestlé® Pure Life® Purified Water for sponsoring today's discussion.

Growing up, my mom was my main source of pretty much everything.  She fed me, clothed me, got me to school and all my activities on time.  But my mom, as most moms, gave me so so much more than that. 

We went through a few tough times as a family when I was growing up.  But my mom was always the rock holding us together.  She always reminded my sisters and I of the quote from Steel Magnolias "That which does not kill us, makes us stronger."  She would also throw in her own, "We can do this!"  It became our battle cry for getting through the hard times. 

As I grew into high school, and then college, those statements became more than a way to get through tough times in life.  They began to fuel my desire to be a healthier, fit person.  I began a life-long love with exercise. 

With my mom's words pounding through my head, I have been able to push harder, longer, in my workouts....even when I wanted to give up.  I'd just keep fighting harder.  I think of those words as I make food choices, salad over pizza, water over soda.  These words helped me get my pre-baby body back after two pregnancies in 2 1/2 years.

And as a mom of two girls, I know how important it is to pass these habits, these words onto my girls.  I want to show the girls through my habits about having a healthy lifestyle. 

Nestlé®Pure Life® has started an amazing Hydration Movement that supports not only my mother's words, but my ideal for a healthier lifestyle. 

Become a fan of Nestlé® Pure Life® on Facebook and stay tuned for the launch of this year’s Hydration "Movement in late July! Nestlé® Pure Life® will continue to focus on healthy hydration, while also embracing Mom’s Wisdom – sharing and discovering all of the little things that moms have shared over the generations that make our lives better. And one thing all moms can agree on is that it’s important to keep the family healthy, hydrated and happy.
This year, Nestlé® Pure Life® is asking fans to take a simple online pledge to drink more water.  They can also enter a sweepstakes for a chance to win prizes and share their own wisdom through the Facebook mosaic."
"Nestlé® Pure Life’s® Facebook page is powered by almost 400,000 fans! Last year, over 100,000 fans joined the Nestlé® Pure Life® Hydration Movement by pledging to swap one sugary beverage a day with water for a year to cut 50,000 calories from their diet, and then share their family’s story of healthy hydration on the Facebook page mosaic."

So head on over to their Facebook page to learn about the importance of hydration, and hydration tips for kids and the whole family!  Share your #momswisdom or your thoughts on the #hydrationmovement. 

Full disclosure: this article is financially supported by Nestlé® Pure Life® Purified Water


  1. Oh wow, you look amazing!

    I wish I didn't like junk food so much.


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