Wednesday Mumblings

- Happy Wednesday all!!  It's Skip's last day of work this week, so it's really more like our Friday.

- That combined with the scorching heat and humidity we've been having puts me in a real good mood.  No seriously.  Give me 100*, I'm happy.

- However Skip and I have learned that running in the middle of the day in 98* heat and high humidity is probably not the best idea we've ever had.  No pain no gain though right?

- I spent most of the morning cutting up old t-shirts into workout shirts. I think they came out pretty cute! I'll do a whole post on that next week.

- My parents are moving today.  Well actually, they've already moved.  My mom stopped over this morning to say goodbye.  They're not moving too far...just down the shore...about 1 1/2 hours from here.  But that is certainly farther than the 3 blocks they lived from me.  It has been so wonderful having them so close while the girls were so little.  It's really going to be an adjustment for all of us.  {you can follow along with my parent's move on my mom's blog.

- It's still only June and I feel like the summer is flying by.  I need to sit and make an actual plan for all that I want to accomplish.

- I took the girls out for donuts the other night after dinner. It was less "look at me, I'm such an awesome mom" and way more "omg, my kids are driving me crazy and they're relatively quiet in the car." It was a good idea for all of us.

- Has anyone found a laundry fairy yet?  Cause I really need one.

- Over the past few months I re watched all of Grey's Anatomy on Netflix.  I'm currently sobbing through the plane crash episode.  What am I going to do with all my time once I'm done?

- Skip got me a massage gift certificate for Mother's Day and I'm finally using it on Friday.  I could not be more excited!  An hour of pure relaxation?  Aahh bliss.

- Skip and I were able to get a deal and now we have Showtime.  We've been obsessively watching season 2 of Homeland.  We only have 3 episodes left.  I cannot wait for the new season!

- I was so sad to hear of the passing of James Gandolfini.  Great actor and even better man.  That and he was born in my town:)  His wake is today and I'm anticipating lots of traffic around here.

- There is too much stuff in my house.  Seriously, I have no idea how four people, two of which are tiny, accumulate so much.  My goal for the next few weeks is to clear out as much as possible.  The clutter is seriously driving me bananas.

- I know understand why parents don't like summer break.  Don't get me wrong, I love having Emmy home, but girlfriend just wants to go somewhere  We don't, and she'll just have to deal, but I do get why parents love September so much.

- Sometimes I sneak up to my room for a five minute mommy time-out and watch Grey's Anatomy on my phone.  Based on how the morning is going, I'm anticipating a lot of those today.

Hope the rest of your week flies by!!


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