30 Miles in 30 Days

Time for another week linking up with Manda for our 30 miles in 30 days!

Thursday July 18 - Shred Level 1 - no miles
Friday - none
Saturday - 2 miles running intervals
Sunday - none
Monday - 3.2 mile elliptical
Tuesday - 2.8 mile run
Wednesday - 3.1 mile walk

Weekly Total - 11.1
July total - 31.7 miles

Not a terrible week considering I'm still rocking a bum knee, and now a twisted ankle.  My dreams of hitting 50 miles in July are definitely out of reach, but at least I've done 30 already!!

How have you been doing?

Go link up with Manda and join in the fun!
Adventures of Manda and Mr Howie


  1. You're doing awesome for a bum knee! I hate that you twisted your ankle! Hope you heal quickly!


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