A Day with my Biggest

On Tuesday, I decided to take Emmy on a special little "Mommy and Me" date with just her.  Even though we only have two kids, we still want to make sure they get plenty of one-on-one time with each of us.  I'm not sure who was more excited, me or Emmy.

We headed to the park first, where we pretty much had the place to our selves.  We played at the playground, swung on the swings, chased after ducks, and took a long walk around the pond.

I made her stop a the gazebo and take some selfies with me as well.

Next we headed off to Kmart to pick up some seeds.  I know nothing about gardening, nor do I care, but Emmy has become obsessed recently.  So we picked up a few little packets and headed out.

Outside the store, there is one of those mechanical horses.  You know the ones that run on a few quarters and kids are obsessed with?  Well Emmy wanted to ride it.  As we headed over to it, I told her I wasn't sure that I had any coins with me, but we could go "pet" the horse at least.

Apparently an older gentleman overheard me telling Emmy I was out of coins, because next thing I hear is his kind voice saying, "What do these things cost?  Two quarters?  I've got some right here in my pocket."  The man then handed said coins to me with a wink.  "I remember when my kids were little and all they wanted to do was ride this.  It goes by fast"

With a smile and thanks from me and Emmy, he was gone.  As I watched my girl ride the horse she so desperately wanted to, I couldn't help but smile to myself.  There might still be some good people left in the world after all.

I'm so glad Emmy and I were able to spend just a few hours together.  I loved getting to really listen to her, and focus just on her.  I think days like this are important for each of my girls.  I can't wait to have some special time with Charlie soon!!


  1. She's SO cute! Look how grown up she is!

  2. I love one on one time!! And I agree--sometimes I need it more than the little guys!


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