Sweet Summertime

Last week I recounted the girls and my trip to the beach.  It didn't all go as planned, but that wasn't going to stop us from spending lots of time with my parents this summer.  Skip suggested we go down for a few more day trips to get Charlie used to the place.

So bright and early Monday morning {I'm talking we were pulling out of our driveway at 6:00 am} the four of us headed down the Garden State Parkway towards the shore!!

After a quick stop at my parent's house to change, we went straight to the beach!  The one we went to is a tiny little thing on the bay, right near where my parents and sister are.  It's perfect when you have kids because there aren't any big waves, and the shore is so small they can only go so far!

The beach is my happy place and I'm excited to say that it seems to be the same for the girls as well.  We spent a long time jumping in the water {and trying to avoid the jellyfish} chasing seagulls, and building sandcastles. 

Both my parents and my older sister came with us, and while there wasn't much sitting and relaxing going on, there was plenty of fun!

Once the girls had had enough of the sand and surf, we headed back to my parent's house for the afternoon.  They have a sand pit and baby pool for the girls to play in, so the fun definitely continued. 

It was a little sad to see a house being torn down just behind my parent's house.  There is still so much recovery needed from Hurricane Sandy down the shore!

My dad grilled for lunch {and make bacon-covered corn for me again!} and there was lots of ice cream and ices for dessert!

We did attempt to put Charlie down for a nap again, but she wasn't having it.  After lots more screaming, we gave up.  Looks like she's not quite relaxed there yet.

Skip let me sneak out to do a little solo shopping, and then around 3:00 we packed up and headed back home.  It had been such a great day, but we didn't want to push it with the girls too much.  Plus we wanted to beat all the rush hour traffic!!

Signs of a good day

Dual napping = quiet car ride!

It was such a nice day as a family.  And any day with the sand and some sun is a win in my book!


  1. I'm so glad you had a great day! Looks like the perfect beach. Glad you got a chance to go!

  2. Such fun! Love their swimsuits! Too cute!

  3. Sweet summer fun! Oh and I love the car seat cup holder!


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