Through Emmy's Eyes

Emmy likes to play photographer a lot these days.  She grabs my point and shoot and starts snapping away.  I love getting to see the world through her little eyes.
Driving with Daddy and little sis


Taking picture of Mommy, taking a picture

Grandparent's truck!

Watching Octonauts with Charlie

LOVE this pic she took of me and Skip

Charlie bear

Playing in the sink


Checking out the peacocks 

Looks like we have a future photographer or blogger on our hands!


  1. I love finding my daughters secret pictures on my phone.

  2. She takes great pictures already! I think you do have a future photographer/blogger on your hands!

  3. Fabulous fotos! LOVE that she wanted a picture of "Big Red" - her Grandad's truck!

  4. That's a great photo of you and Skip. She's quite the little photographer!


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