A Sweet and Snarky Dear So and So

It's been awhile, but I think it's time for a good Dear So and So post!

Dear Summer: We had a rough start, then you were nice and hot for about three weeks.  But recently it's been more like September weather.  Can we please please please go back to the heat?  If you don't shape up soon I'm going to resume my house searches in Florida.

Dear People Who Fly Planes: Now, I'm not talking commercial or military pilots.  I'm talking about people who fly those little personal, four person planes.  Could you please stop and pick up another hobby?  I'm still heartbroken over the terrible crash in Connecticut last week.  Most plane crashes these days are the result of amateurs with a pilot license. Leave flying up to the professionals.

Dear One-Uppers: I get it.  Your lives are either totally perfect, or your problems are so much worse than everyone else's.  I'm all about people showing off good things in their lives, or asking for prayers and support, but some people just take it to the extreme.  Please lay off, I want to go back on twitter without getting annoyed.  Along the same lines, people, please stop crying poverty one second and then brag about all the new expensive things you just bought.  It's exhausting trying to keep up.

Dear The Vineyard: Why are you so awesome?!  ABC Family has done it again.  Yes, I know, I am no longer a tween and should probably stop watching shows that are geared towards them, but I can't stop.  It's such a great Laguna Beach replacement.

Dear Carrots: Why can't you taste  more like cupcakes?

Dear Giants: Great start to the season with that win over Pittsburgh.  Let's just make sure we continue it into the regular season.

Dear Emmy: I'm apologizing to you now for the fact that I'm getting your allergies retested on Friday.  I hope it's not too painful for you!!

Dear Charlie: I am so glad that you have started talking more recently...I simply love hearing your little sweet voice.

Dear Skip: I can never thank you enough for all the sacrifices you have made for our family.  They definitely don't go unnoticed.

Dear Pretty Little Liars: Please be another great episode tonight...and please let us find out who red coat is!

Dear Running: Please start to get easier for me.  I really want to be one of those people who can run far and fast.  So far my runs are just short and really, really slow. 

Dear Laundry: Why can't you just learn to put yourself away already.  It is by far the worst household chore.  If I could afford to pay someone to do all our laundry I wouldn't hesitate for a second. 


  1. As much as my pregnancy appreciates the cooler temps I am not ready for winter which is usually what follows soon after. I am with you, bring back summer! I still have some pool days left in me!

  2. Ohh, I am so with you on the one-uppers (most of why I can't do twitter anymore!), running, and laundry! Is it really so much to ask that someone makes a dryer that also folds and puts clothes away???

  3. Ha-ha very entertaining list! Love the one-uppers, oh so true ;) You're family is precious!

    Instagram: megawat

  4. I'll put your laundry away if you clean my tubs!


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