Emmy Says

Who doesn't love a little light humor on a Friday.  I've been writing down a few of the funny things Emmy has been saying recently.  Enjoy my sweet girl's humor!

Emmy wants to be my age so she can be a mom, a school teacher, cook, go shopping, read, use knives, and put her fingers in the fan. 

While playing soccer with Skip: Please don't block my way sir

Mommy, I'm not a baby.  See {moves her mouth} I know how to talk!

Of course I can do anything, I'm a girl!

Mommy, I need to wear village clothes to bed at night. {can you tell we watch a lot of Sophia the First}

Mommy, when you're done working out, make sure to drink a lot of water.  I don't want to worry about you not getting hydrated!

Oh bummer sticks!!

Have a great weekend everyone!!


  1. She is adorable! I loved your pic of her sitting down talking to Charlie about being nice!

  2. Best line? "Of course I can do anything. I'm a girl." Fabulous!!


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