Never Too Early for Retirement Planning

I am proud to bring you this post brought to you by Genworth and Brandfluential.  

These days, people in our country are living longer and longer than ever before {and what a great blessing that is!} But with that must also come with the knowledge on how to make sure you have enough money to carry you until the end of your life.

Many people these days retire in their 60's.  They are then living well into their 90's.  Which means that person needs to have enough money coming in for 30+ years.  Now I don't know about you, but this fact overwhelms me, and I'm only 30!  But planning for retirement is not something you should start looking into when you're 50.  It's something we should all be doing right now.

Skip and I have already started saving for our retirement, but there is lots more we can still be doing.  Thankfully Genworth, an easy to navigate site, is there to help with some of our questions.

I love looking at whether or not we're ready for retirement.

Obviously we are years away from this, but knowing the steps really helps change some of our decisions now.  After all, Skip and I have plans for a six week European vacation once he retires.  I want to make sure we'll be able to afford that and more!!

Another great article I have been perusing is the 12 Important Retirement Planning Deadlines.  As I said, none of us is getting any younger, and it is never too early to start planning your retirement!

If watching videos helps you out more than reading an article, don't worry, Genworth has something for you too!!  They have a really great one about safeguarding your retirement from inflation.

So whether you're 30, 40, 50, or 60, it's never too early to head over to Genworth and start thinking about your retirement.  You want that time to be as stress free and enjoyable as you can!

Disclaimer: This post was brought to you by Genworth and Brandfluential.  All thoughts and opinions are my own.  


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