The Heart of a Child

I hate that Emmy has had to deal with so much death in the past year.  It's almost too much for Skip and I to handle, and we're adults.  Thankfully though, my sweet girl has handled it with so much grace and understanding.

Braddock's death hit her really hard, but since then she has come to such a place of peace when someone dies.  As she said to me last Tuesday, "Mommy, why are you sad?  Grandma the Great is in heaven, watching over us with Mimi". 

At the repass at our house after the burial, Emmy was talking with my grandma's neighbor and best friend.  Emmy gave her a big hug and said "I'm sorry your friend died.  But she's can see us because she's a big beautiful angel with wings."  The waterworks among the adults began again.

And then Monday morning, Emmy was awake before Skip and I.  She was playing in her room with some old birthday cards and crayons.  She came in to our room to give us the cards she had drawn pictures of us on, to make us feel better.  Now I know she didn't choose the cards specifically, but the one she made for Skip was from his mom and dad, and the one for me from my Grandma.

If that's not a sign, I don't know what is.

Now sure, she was upset the other night, worrying to Skip that she would die next, or he or I would.  She is still a child after all.  But for the most part, she has handled all this death with a grace and maturity far beyond her years.


  1. This just gave me a super-flashback to when I was younger and was sitting in crying in bed because I thought something bad was going to happen to my parents and pass away. Obviously I am still dreading that day .. but it's really amazing to see the maturity in Emmy. You have some really outstanding kids!


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