What Happened?

I've had something on my mind for awhile now about which I've wanted to blog.  It was simmering back in my brain, only bubbling to the surface occasionally.  But last week, with all the discussions over nursing in public {in reference to a certain You Tube video} it practically exploded out of my brain.  In fact, I hand wrote the blog post first because my computer wasn't working and I just couldn't wait to get it all down.

Now, don't worry, I'm not trying to stir up another breast feeding in public vs. private debate.  I think we've all rehashed that enough.  But it does tie into that.  I was motivated by AP, after her brilliant post, to bring up the discussion of what has happened to a little common courtesy and decency in our society?

Sometimes Skip and I sit at night, talking about our day and whatever is on our mind.  And one thing that comes up a lot is our growing lack of faith in our generation.  The "selfish generation" as we've referred to them.  Obviously not everyone our age is selfish, but it seems that more are than not these days.

Breastfeeding in public is completely legal, and I support it fully wherever and whenever you need to do it.  But what's wrong with being discreet?  What's wrong with taking other's feelings into consideration?

Bringing my two year old into a restaurant is completely legal as well.  Going out to dinner as a family is something we like to do occasionally.  But you can be damn sure I'm going to take her outside if she starts screaming.  Sure, I have every right to sit there while she fusses, but it is a common courtesy to think of those around me and leave.

Freedom of speech is written into the constitution.  It is legal for anyone to say anything they want.  But that doesn't mean that what they're saying can't really hurt people.  I am all for being able to give your opinion on something {kind of like what I'd doing right here} but shouldn't people also stop and think before they speak?

I really worry about the country I am raising my daughters in these days.  The one where it's totally normal for people to rack up thousands of dollars in credit card debt, just because they want things they can't afford.

A country where more people support protesters sitting outside Wall Street than support our military. 

A country where people don't want to work hard for things, but are just content to let the government, or those who have worked hard for their money, take care of them.

We're turning into a generation and society where people don't think there should be consequences for their actions.  They should be able to say, or do, whatever they want. 

Children, mostly girls, are encouraged to dress provocatively...and it seems more important to be your child's friend than their parent

Maybe it's just the area that I live in, but these days I am finding it harder and harder to find positive things about our generation. 

And then there's Twitter.  Oh Twitter.  90% of the time, I love going on Twitter.  Chatting and making connections has helped me get through a lot of sleepless nights when the girls were little, and lonely nights when Skip is working.  But that other 10% of the time?  I'm literally shocked by the things people put out there.  I guess it's easy to just hide behind the internet, but man do some of these ladies have nerve.  It's one thing to state your opinion..it's another to shove it down our throats or tear down someone else's.  I swear I'm right back in middle school sometimes. 

Now I'm pretty sure I'm not really making sense with this whole post, but what I'm really getting at is, what happened to working hard for what you get?  What happened to thinking about someone else's feelings for a change?  What happened to supporting other women instead of tearing them down?  What happened to a little privacy, a little decency, a little common courtesy?  Has that all just gone out the window?  What happened?


  1. All I can say about this post is... AMEN!!!!! 100% agree!

  2. I agree!! And AMEN too! You make perfect sense.
    And it is not just your generation - it started with mine back in the '70's with the whole "if it feels good do it" nonsense, without any regard for other people's feelings, property, etc.
    Maybe it's time for some of us to start speaking out and stop putting up with bad behavior from others. I actually thought 9/11 would change the way people treat each other. How quickly people forgot! Let's hope it doesn't take an even bigger disaster to change people's attitudes.
    Thank you for writing this post!!

  3. I love this post and agree 100% with everything you say! I fear for the world my kids will grow up in. The only thing we can do is teach them what is right and not let them get I flue cued by celebrities or having to have what everyone else has. I grew up in a modest family, with strict rules (youngest of 3 girls) and my parents are of the school...we are your parents ..not your friends.
    Same with my husband. It seems that kind of parenting is out the window and parents want to party with their kids now.

  4. Totally agree with all of this !! It makes me so frustrated and sad that this is what our society has become!

  5. Great post. Common courtesy is dying a slow death in this country. Yes, everyone has the right and freedom to act like a complete jerk, but it is a right that no one should exercise.

  6. Great post. Thanks for putting this out there.

  7. Great pot. And the best thing of all is you practice what you preach. I have a lot of hope that M & C's generation will get it right.

  8. Yea I agree with you. I support breast feeding too but why can't people be discreet? And I was just having this convo with my Aunt this morning about how people don't want work for anything anymore! And this is what our kids are seeing!

  9. It really does make me sad about the world I'm bringing up my son in. You feel so helpless when you see all the bad around you. The one thing I can do though is to raise my children differently. I will teach them the importance of manners and respect, of an education and working hard, of being polite and helping others. That's all you can do right? Just be the world you want to live in.

  10. Wow. did you read my mind? I have been thinking all of this lately!


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