What I Hope as a Mother

I took a few weeks off, but I'm excited to be linking up with Becky again today for her 52 Weeks of Blogging with a Purpose.

Today's topic is our goals for motherhood.

I have to be honest, my first instinct was to shy away from this topic.  It just seemed too big, too overwhelming, too deep.  But then I realized that I want to take a good long look at myself as a mother and what I hope for the future.  And what better way to keep me accountable than to blog about it!

Emmy, Charlie, you girls are my whole world.  I live and breathe for you both and want to give you nothing but the absolute best of everything the world has to offer.  I obviously wasn't a mother before I had you girls, so these past four and half years have been a bit of a learning curve for me.  Especially once you could each walk and talk and it was way more parenting than just keeping you alive.

I hope I improve as a mother every single day.  I hope each day is better than the last.

I hope to find a balance between giving you all my all, and yet not losing who I am myself.

I want to feed you good, healthy meals all the time, with the occasional treat thrown in there.

I want to encourage you to follow your dreams, whatever they may be.

I want you to want or need for nothing.

I want to listen to every word you girls say, even when you are babbling on incessantly for hours.

I want to enjoy each stage you are in fully, not longing for past years, or yearning for the future. 

I want you to look to me to learn healthy workouts

I never want to use the word fat or thin around you; I want to use only healthy and strong.

I want you girls to come tell me everything, especially as you get older.

I want to set boundaries and limits because I love you, not because I'm trying to be mean.

I want to be able to make sacrifices so we can afford to send you to private Catholic schools from pre-k through 12th grade.

I hope to be able to fully pay for your college so you're not saddled with student loans.

I want to be your first teacher, and always help you with your homework, and add to your education.

I want to take long road trips as a family, showing you our country.

I want to be the kind of mother you respect and love.

I want you to confide in me, have fun with me, but I want you to remember I am your mother and not your friend.

I hope that one day, when you girls have children of your own, you strive to be the mother I hope I am and become...the same way I hope to be like my mother now. 

I want you to know how much I love you...and if at the end of my life that is all you remember, then it will be enough.


  1. Stopping by from the link up. Loved your post. your girls are lucky to have you as their mother. Those last few statements are amazing!!

  2. Here from the link up! Great list.

  3. Wow! Amazing Mom, amazing daughter!!
    Love you!

  4. Love this! This 52 weeks of blogging sounds like a lot of fun but I love your post. This can also be your letters to your daughters. Your kids are also beautiful. Following you now on Twitter and Bloglovin. :)

  5. So many good goals!! I will have to add some of those to mine. :)
    Thanks for stopping by my blog!


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