30 Miles in 30 Days

Happy Thursday everyone!  I'll be honest, I almost didn't link up today.  Mainly because there's really not much to report.  Here's what I did:

Adventures of Manda and Mr Howie

Thursday September 19 - none
Friday - nothing
Saturday - 2.5 mile walk
Sunday - nada
Monday - zip
Tuesday - nothin'
Wednesday - no thing
Weekly Total - 2.5
August total - 31.4

Yeaaaaaah...so that whole 50, maybe 60 miles I was hoping for this month is not going to happen.  In my defense, I seem to have come down with the plague and have been sick all week.  Saturday was the only day I felt kind of normal.  I always have trouble pushing myself when I have a cold to workout, and normally end up just sitting on the couch under a blanket instead. 

I really do miss working out though and will hopefully be able to get a little something done to finish out the month.

What about you?  Do you still workout when you're sick?  How do you motivate yourself?


  1. I'm the same. When I'm sick, the last thing I want to do is work out! I hope you feel better soon! At least you got in 30+ miles! We'll kick some butt in October though and you'll hit your 50!

  2. Usually if I'm really sick I don't feel like working out! There have been a few times it's made me feel better though. Get some meds in you sister!

  3. It depends on how sick I am! If it's just a little cold that isn't of the achy variety (where you just don't want to get out of bed) I'll try and go... but for the most part, our bodies need REST when we are sick! We especially need to stay away from gyms because there are so many germs and bacteria everywhere! Hope you feel better soon and hey - you hit 30 - CONGRATULATIONS! We still have 5 days! Maybe you'll hit your 50 in October! I'm going for 40 :)


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