Friday Mish Mosh

Happy Friday everyone!!  I am so very excited that it's the weekend.  All four of us have colds, with Skip and I having the worst of it thankfully.  Our family has been hit with a decent amount of bad news recently as well, so I'm ready for a little relaxation.

Based on all that, a photo/brain dump is all I can muster today!

Emmy is still loving school!!  This is her posing with her "cuddly toy" that she brings to school every day for rest time.  I swear she grows bigger and more mature every day.

Last week it was really hot for one more day.  We took full advantage of it and dragged out the baby pool for the girls.  I so wish this was still our scene every day!  Silly Jersey and it's cool weather.

Toddlers are cute, but weird.  Apparently it's very important to bring a purse to bed.  Never know if there's some shopping you might need to get done in your crib!

And preschoolers? Not much better.  Emmy had stickers in the car the other day, but no sticker book.  So she improvised.  

This?  This is a face of victory right here.  She had been asking for chocolate since 9:00 am that day.  A chocolate cupcake after lunch more than satisfied her.

Emmy's early morning selfies.

This little bundle of joy running while waiting for Emmy during her ballet class.  I'm pretty sure I got a better workout that day than Emmy.

I pinched a nerve in my neck last week, and so when Emmy wanted to make cupcakes, Skip stepped in.  This is pretty much my favorite picture ever.  Best dad award goes to my man.

This picture is so blurry, but really captures the spirit of my sweet Charlie bear.  Girl is constantly on the move!

This hairstyle is what I call, "Daddy did my hair all by himself".  You should probably stick to baking Skip;-)

Sweet snuggles with this girl make everything better. 

Fall is officially here in the Jersey state.  I know it's right on time and all, but I was hoping for a few more weeks of heat.  Oh well. Time for boots and scarves!

The girls and I went on a play date at my friend's house the other day.  She has three girls, and the five of them together had a blast.  One Direction dance parties for the win.

Today I am one of those people anxiously stalking awaiting the Fed Ex man to bring me this little pretty:

I have never had the "new it phone" when it was new, let alone the day it came out.  I was always at least two models behind because, well, I'm cheap and prefer not to spend top dollar.  So I was pretty excited that Apple came out with the 5c!  Sure it's not as fancy as the 5s, but I'm cool with that.  I feel very fancy being able to get it today.  Happy early birthday present to me!

Hope you all have a great weekend!!!


  1. Your girls are too cute! I love your boots look. I can't wait until it's cool enough to wear boots here. Hopefully next week! I LOVE your pink iphone. I just got a "new to me" 5, but now I wish I'd splurged and got the pink one!

  2. Oooooh I love your apron that skip's wearing? All the giants references in this post make me smile. I cannot believe how big your girls are getting! They are so beautiful.

  3. I am such a jerk and I hope you can forgive me for not having physically commented here in so long. I stalk you on IG as you probably know and love you dearly! I just got my iphone 5c because I am the same way and refused to spend too much money on the 5s. Oh well right? The girls are getting more beautiful by the moment and I am so glad that Emmy is loving school- my girls start soon and they are sooo psyched!


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