30 Miles in 30 Days

Happy Halloween!!  Before putting myself in a candy coma later on, it's time to track my miles for the final week of October!

Thursday October 24 - 2 mile elliptical / 4 mile bike
Friday - kickboxing (no miles)
Saturday - 2.9 mile run
Sunday - none
Monday - 2.4 mile run
Tuesday - 3.3 mile run
Wednesday -none
Thursday - none

Weekly Total - 14.6
October Total - 56.1

I am SO sad that I didn't make it to 60 miles.  I was totally on track and had every intention of working out yesterday and today.  However I seem to have come down with a pretty nasty sinus infection, and I just can't work out right now.  I'm all about pushing yourself, but this would be too much.  And I need to be in top shape for trick or treating later!

But I'm trying not to get down on myself because 56.1 miles is pretty awesome, and my second best mileage since I started tracking in April.  It's also the most running miles I've logged, and that makes me happy.

Here's to making November even better!!

Adventures of Manda and Mr Howie


  1. You did awesome! I know you wanted to hit 60 but 56.1 is pretty darn amazing lady! Hope you feel better soon!

  2. Stopping by from the 30 mile challenge. Great job hitting over 50! That is awesome.

  3. holy crap you kicked butt this month! great job, you may feel defeated but if you compared it to my small amount of miles you rocked! thanks for linking up :)

  4. WOW you totally tore October up! You better consider that a win! You'll get it and probably even surpass it in November, watch!


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