30 Miles in 30 Days

Time for another week of linking up my miles!  I've been eating better recently, drinking more water, and doing a lot of stretching, so I think that's helping me push myself a little more.

Thursday October 17 - 4 mile run
Friday - 3.3 mile run
Saturday - none
Sunday - 3.8 mile intervals
Monday - strength training / no miles
Tuesday - none
Wednesday - 2.1 mile elliptical / 2.1 mile bike

Weekly Total - 15.3
October Total - 41.5

A pretty good week overall I'd say!  I haven't been feeling great, but am still pushing myself to do what I can.  I hoping to get a good run in tomorrow since I haven't gone since Sunday.  I'm also picking up some warm weather running tights and stuff tomorrow as I'm going to need it.  Jersey is practically skipping fall and going right to winter!  It's going to be hard to motivate myself to run when it's chilly.  Though I do have the treadmill at the gym to fall back on.

How did you all do this week?

Adventures of Manda and Mr Howie


  1. You're doing awesome! Hope you start feeling better soon! Kentucky skipped fall too, so you aren't alone!


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