Happy Happy

And just like that, I'm 31.  It seems so much older than 30 for some reason, but since I like odd numbers better than even, I'm not too broken up about this age.

If we're going to drop some serious cash on a birthday, I'd rather it be for the girls these days.  So while I still wanted to celebrate, I wanted to keep it nice and low-key.

Friday night my mom came over {she had been up for a few days to deal with some things about my Grandma} to watch the girls.  Skip and I headed out with a few of our friends for dinner.

Skip bought me this corsage to wear our to dinner!

We went to this little Italian place in town.  Eight of us headed out together, and we all had a fabulous time.  The food was amazing and it was nice to be with my closest friends.  {Sadly I didn't take any other pictures of the night!}

After we stuffed ourselves silly, we headed out to our favorite local bar.  Thankfully we found a place tuck-ed away in the corner to relax.  It was club night apparently and we were the oldest there, by far.  So after a few drinks we headed home to bed.

It was nice to wake up in the same house as my mom on my birthday for the same time. The last time that happened was when I turned 18!  We all had a relaxing morning of presents and breakfast, before my mom and I headed out to take Emmy to dance.

After dance, we all had lunch, finished off by the most amazing cupcakes.

The rest of the afternoon was spent relaxing and snuggling my little family.  And of course a nice long afternoon nap!

In the evening we spent some time with my sister before putting the girls to bed.  Skip and I ordered dinner to eat on the couch with watching a movie.  It was the perfect way to top off the day.

This year of being 30 has been really trying and hard for our family.  So as much as I loathe a higher number next to my name, I'm hopefully and excited that this year will bring us much more happiness than the last.  Plus 31 is my favorite number, so we're already off to a good start!!

Thank you all again for all the birthday wishes.  You sure know how to make a girl feel special!


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