Picture Day!!

One of my absolute favorite parts of the school year for Emmy is class picture day.  She always looks so much older in a professional photo.  And having the class picture is always a huge help.  Skip and I study it, trying to figure out all the kids names, and place them in the stories Emmy tells every day.

And now that we have two years of school under our belt, it's amazing to look back at how much she has changed in the past year.

So without further ado, here are Emmy's 2013-2014 school pictures!

I can't help but giggle over her little face in the group class picture!

And now for that fun comparison, here are Emmy's pictures last year!

Have a great Wednesday!!


  1. Her confidence level has grown dramatically, as evidenced in the pictures from her first two years. Wonderful to see!!

  2. Too cute!!! Her face in the group picture is HILARIOUS!!!

  3. awwww I LOOOOVE this! She does look so much older this year and her face in the class pic is hilarious! What a fun kid!


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