Taking Back Our Bed

Today is part II of "I feel like I'm failing at parenting".  Part I about Charlie's disdain over anyone but me was up yesterday. 

Today I'm going to talk about Emmy for a bit.  Last March, I blogged about how she suddenly started coming into our room around 2:00 am or so to sleep.  And while I was never really a fan of co-sleeping, we just went with the flow on this one.  With everything we had going on at the time, we figured it was what she needed.

Well pretty soon March turned into April, which turned into May, which turned into June, you get the idea, and Emmy was still coming into our room every night at some point.  Sometimes she just falls right to sleep, and sometimes she babbles away for hours, trying to convince us to let her watch Netflix on the IPhone.

And if I'm being honest, it's normally the latter.  Which is resulting in a whole lot less sleep for all of us, which really isn't good for Emmy.  Even if she falls right back to sleep in our room, she's still conditioned herself to wake up a few minutes every night.  And that interrupted sleep is just not good for her.

So after a particularly long fight and very little sleep from most of us the other night, Skip and I decided that we need to break her of this.  We do love the sweet snuggles from her, but it's time for her and us to get a little more sleep.

Saturday night she stayed in her room all night, but that's really only because my big sis was up visiting and slept in the room with her.  Sunday I explained to Emmy that she has to stay in her room until we come to get her.  She did call to me at 5 {which is way later than normal} and after a few snuggles, she fell back to sleep until 5:30 and after a visit from Skip at that time, went back to sleep again till 6:30.

Last night I again explained staying in her room until we came to get her.  She did come wandering in at 2:00.  I let her snuggle in our bed for a few minutes and then brought her back to her room where she slept till 6:00! 

I don't think she's broken of the habit by any means, but I am happy with the slight progress we've made so far.  We're going to see how the rest of the week goes, and possibly implement some help if need be.  We've thought about putting a digital clock in her room, with an index card next to it {thanks for the tip from my bestie!}  We'd write 6:00 on the card and tell her she can't come in our room until the card and the clock match up.  We could also do a sticker chart and give her a sticker for every night she stays in her room until the morning.  As I said, we'll see how the next few days go and make some adjustments as needed there.

Has anyone else had to break their kid of coming in their bed?  Any other tips you have would be greatly appreciated!!


  1. A friend of mine uses something like this to let her son know when he's allowed to get out of bed in the morning (he's normally up before 5) and it works great for them: http://www.amazon.com/Wake-Childrens-Alarm-Clock-Nightlight/dp/B002RNKOM2


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