These Small Moments

We're trying to be more intentional with our time together as a family these days.  There have been so many rough moments in our lives the past year and a half, and who knows what else life is going to throw at us.  So we want to make sure to seize little moments here and there to laugh, explore, and have fun together as a family.

Tuesday was one such day.  Skip came home from a very long day at work, and the girls were starting to go a little stir crazy.  The air had a bite to it, but nothing more than a few jean jackets couldn't handle. 

So we quick packed up and headed out to a local park.  As soon as we got there though, our plans of family togetherness quickly went out the window.  Emmy wanted to play on the playground with some other kids, and Charlie wanted to go find ducks at the pond.  Skip and I just shrugged as he set off to watch Emmy, and I, Charlie.

It was a perfect fall day, and I just loved the opportunity to follow Charlie around, watching her explore the world.  Two year olds have this amazing curiosity and amazement at everything around them, that is unlike anyone else in the world.

Could not have asked for a prettier day

 Once Charlie had exhausted herself running around after the ducks, we spent a few moments watching Emmy play with some new found friends at the playground.

We then picked up some dinner on the way to extend the fun of the day just a little bit longer.

I love days like this...days with my little family.  I love watching the girls' personalities shine through.  And who doesn't love a little hand-holding with your husband in the car:)

We might be getting a tough hand dealt to us recently, but that can't stop us from enjoying these small moments.


  1. What a fun little outing! Your girls are too cute!

  2. Love the denim jackets! Cute pics! Glad to see you're enjoying your time despite all of the recent hardships,


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