Happy Fifth Birthday to the one who made me a mom

My sweet Emmy.  I barely know where to begin on this post.  Here were are November 29, 2013.  Your fifth birthday.  FIFTH!  As mother's we also have a tough time with our kids birthdays, as they seem to come by quicker and quicker each year.  This year being no different.  But something about FIVE seems so so old to me.

You fit five very well my little girl.  You are so independent and really becoming your own person.  You have likes, dislikes and a real personality.  You are a total sweetheart and really tune in to other people's emotions.  You are extremely well mannered and so so smart.  I cannot believe how close you are to reading already.

You absolutely love school and all of your friends.  You work so hard at everything and are always practicing your school work at home.  You have tons of friends, and they all love holding hands with you, and following whatever you want.

We started you on dance this year and you absolutely love it.  And there really is nothing cuter than you in a leotard.  I know we are all biased, but the whole family knows you are the best in the class!

Your love of horses still reigns supreme, though unicorns and zebras are up there too.  You also love all things Disney Princess and won't go to bed without a Mercer Meyer book.

You still think your parents are the best people to hang out with {never lose that please!} and just love when "the whole family is together".  You and Charlie have such a wonderful relationship already and you never miss a chance to help her or teach her something.

It has been a tough year around here, and it has been really hard on you, as you have such a sensitive soul.  I wish I could take away all your grief, but you really are handling it with a grace beyond your years.

I hope that you never lose your sense of humor, your want to be "just like you mom" and your loving nature.
Five years ago today you came screaming into this world, making us parents, and changing our lives forever. You are such a special gift and hope you know that you hold my heart forever.

Emmy, I hope you enjoy today as well as your "friend party" tomorrow, and know just how special you are to every one you meet.  Your dad and I love you, love you more, love you most.  Happy birthday baby girl.

Brand new






  1. Happy bday to your sweet little girl!

  2. The years FLY by..my son is 10 and I'm still crying over the fact that he's in double digits now. :( Happy Birthday to your precious baby girl!

  3. I can't believe she's five!!! Aw happy birthday Emmy!!!


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