Christmas Day

Surprisingly the girls did not wake us at dawn on Christmas morning, eager to rip into their gifts.  Emmy strolled in a little after 7, and was more concerned with snuggling us for a bit than checking to see if Santa arrived.  I think we got up around 7:30 and had to wake Charlie up before heading downstairs.

The girls faces as they took in the scene and unwrapped their gifts was worth every penny spent and every minute spent preparing.  Charlie was more interested in playing with toys they already have than opening new ones {toddlers} but Emmy was beyond excited as she tore into each package.

The girls spent the rest of the morning playing with all their new toys, while I was in the kitchen most of the time preparing for Christmas dinner.

My sous chef

Our Christmas dinner menu was as follows this year:
Spinach dip
Vegetable platter

Main Course
Spicy sausage pasta
Roasted asparagus
Home-made stuffing

Apple Pie

Skip's family came by in the early afternoon for dinner.  We set up a separate kid table this year, and the kids just loved it!  It also helped them sit and behave a bit better!

There was laughing, talking, and lots of good food {yes I'm bragging there for a minute}.  The kids all had a wonderful time playing together and getting even more presents!

The girls headed up to bed way past their bedtime and promptly fell right to sleep.  Skip and I spent the rest of the night relaxing on the couch.  Overall it was a really wonderful Christmas!


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