Christmas Eve

I know, I know, another Christmas recap.  Feel free to skip it....and tomorrow's too.  But as this blog's primary purpose is as a memory keeper than I absolutely want to make sure to include posts likes this.

Skip had to work on Christmas Eve, but only till 3!  The girls and I spent the morning working on some more preparations for the next day.  

After nap time, Skip was home and we spent the afternoon getting ready to head over to my sister's house.  My parents and older sister were staying with her for the holiday.  We were all going to have Christmas Eve dinner and present opening together.

It was a delicious dinner as always, and the girls managed to sit for the whole thing, which is a Christmas miracle itself!  

We then exchanged gifts and all smiled and laughed at the girls reactions to their gifts...they loved each one!
Haven't had a picture take with just my parents since my wedding!

Gotta work off that good dinner!

We got home and quick got the girls to bed "so Santa could come" and Skip and I got down to work.  

Thankfully all of the wrapping and most of the work was done already, and we just had to bring it all up from the basement and arrange it all.  

I went to bed with the same feeling of anticipation I think the girls had.  I could not wait to see their faces the next morning!!


  1. Looks amazing...also you are the spitting image of your mom!


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