December Miles

We are a little more than half-way done with December.  With sickness, a hurt knee, and more snow than I would like, let's see how I'm dong!

Thursday December 12 - none
Friday - none
Saturday - kickboxing DVD
Sunday - kickboxing DVD
Monday -kickboxing DVD
Tuesday - Shred DVD
Wednesday - none

Weekly Total - 0 miles
November Total - 9.8 miles

So, no good on the miles front.  But with Skip working crazy hours this week, the only time I had to workout was when he was gone.  And since Charlie won't go in the gym nursery, I had to work with what I had.  I am pleased that I got in four workouts though!  Manda and I challenged each other to do at least 3 workouts this glad we did!  Hopefully this puts us back on track!

It's finally going to warm up a bit here in Jersey this week, so I'm determined to get in some outside runs.  I've missed them so much!  Hopefully I have a much higher mileage total next week!

Adventures of Manda and Mr Howie


  1. You did great working out, even if there were no miles. You probably got a much better workout kickboxing than I did walking! But hey, at least we hit our 3 workouts!

  2. Same! I'm hoping to get out son Sunday. I'm not even attempting this month, but i'm not beating myself up over it.


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