Snow Days

I am not a winter girl at all.  Once the temperature hits below 60*, I just want hibernate....or move to Florida.

New Jersey has decided that winter needs to come early this year, and we have already had plenty of snow/ice.  Nothing blizzard-like or all that epic, but enough to be annoying.

It snowed all day this past Saturday, and I gave Emmy a snow day last Tuesday {her school had an early dismissal, but since it was already snowing when we got up, and me and Charlie would have to take her, I decided it wasn't worth the risk}.  In my pre-kid days, snow days meant a little shovelling, and a lot of sleeping, TV watching, and hot chocolate drinking.

Things are a little different now.  And I had to get pretty creative with how to pass the days with a toddler and preschooler!  Here are some of the things we came up with.

Make-overs with mommy's make-up

30 minutes to get bundled up to go outside?  Check.

Snow ball fights!

Snow angels!

Making snowmen

Some lazy nap times

Family movie night

Playing with a dog bone...obviously

Lots and lots of baking

And a big dose of silliness
We've colored, put together puzzles, watched Christmas movies, played hide and seek, built with blocks, and just vegged out in front of the TV.  While it's easy to get a little stir crazy when you haven't left the house in a few days, I just think about quickly these girls are growing, and how blessed I am to have a forced time-out from life to just hang out with them.

How do you pass the time on a snow day?  We're supposed to get another 4" of snow tomorrow, so I may be giving Emmy another snow day!!


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