Soapbox, Christmas Dreams, and TV Recs....

What better way to end the week than with a little Five on Friday!

{one} I eventually had to get off social media yesterday, after hitting the "unfollow" button a few days.  I'm sad that people don't seem to realize that freedom of speech just protects you from being arrested or charged with a crime when you speak your does not give you the right to say anything you want without consequences.  I also find it sad that people are rallying around a reality star as a voice of Christian teachings...a reality star.  But most of all, I'm sad that so close to Christmas, anyone thinks it's okay for someone to such vulgarity and hatred towards a group of people.  What was that Jesus said?  Love one another.

{two} It's going to be in the 60's this weekend here in Jersey....cue singing angels!  I just need all this snow to melt quickly so I can run outside!

{three} For Christmas this year I would like a week-long tropical myself.  I'd take even just a really good long nap.

{four}  Each of the girls is getting a *huge* present from Santa this year.  Emmy's is a princess castle, and Charlie is getting a dollhouse.  My aunt snagged it off the side of the road, and it just needed a little love and care.  That was my job last night.  After a lot of sanding, neck-craning, and inhaling paint fumes, I could not be happier with the way it turned out!


I cannot wait to see the girls faces on Christmas.

{five} Homeland is over for the season {and forever for me if they don't bring Brody back, ahem} and Scandal and Grey's are on break until February.  WHAT AM I GOING TO DO WITH MY TIME NOW?!?!  Any good shows you can recommend?

Have a great weekend everyone!!


  1. Love how the house turned out!!!

    And I'll take a tropical vacation too!

  2. Do you watch Revolution? That's a good show but it builds so you need to start at the beginning! I LOVE those houses for the girls!


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