Blah blah blah

It's snowing and well below freezing again.  I fear this winter is never going to end.  Maybe having the Super bowl in an open air stadium in New Jersey in February wasn't the best idea anyone has ever had.

Speaking of The Big Game, make sure you all remember that it is in NEW JERSEY this year.  Yes, it is close to New York, but it is clearly and without a doubt in the glorious Garden State. 

Skip and I got to go out on a date night last night.  It was glorious and way over due.  We saw The Lone Survivor.  Such an amazingly touching, powerful movie.  Obviously I cried through most of it.  Do yourselves a favor and go out and see it, as well as read the book, immediately.  One of the most respectful, well-done war movies I've ever seen.

I've been working on a lot of purging and organizing of our stuff recently.  Not only is it nice to get rid of all the crap, it's also fun to take a little trip down memory lane.  Here are two of my favorites I stumbled upon.
An MRE from the summer of 2004...yum

Skip left me this note on the table at the diner we went to on our first date!

Skip and I flew through the first season on House of Cards last week and cannot wait until season 2 comes out!  There were a few moments that I wasn't sure if I liked the show or not, but overall I'm really liking it!

I feel like I've lost my blogging mojo these days.  I'm sure it'll come back in full force soon.

I also have had to take a step back from Twitter these days...because, well Twitter.

Charlie is currently eating popcorn, while watching a movie in her sweatpants.  Girlfriend has the life.

I still don't believe that Ezra is really A on PLL.  My bestie and I are convinced that it's really Ezra's evil twin brother who is A.  Though we really have no facts to back that up.  Thoughts?

I love that my girls don't mind taking pictures with their mom.  I'm sure that will change in the very near future.

I'm determined to make this snowy, freezing week as productive as possible.  Cleaning, organizing, baking, and at-home workouts!! {but let's be seriously, I'll probably lose all motivation by 5:00 and just sit around complaining}

Alright, stay warm everyone getting snow!  And to those of you enjoying some warm weather still...enjoy it for me!!


  1. I am dying to see Lone Survivor, I've heard nothing but amazing things about it. So glad you got a date night and you did look awfully pretty! :) Such a sweet note!

  2. I like your Evil Twin Ezra as A theory :)

  3. I love that note Skip left! Too precious! Hope you are staying warm and safe in the snow!


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