Monday Mish Mash

I bring you today's post from the confines of my couch.  I am snuggled up under a blanket, rocking my bathrobe, and I haven't washed my hair since Thursday.  Yup, I am on day #3 of the flu.  It's about as awesome as it sounds.  I have gotten my flu shot every year since I was 23.  This year I just kept forgetting....that'll teach me.

Thankfully my husb was off this weekend, and has been able to take some time off to take care of me.  I have done little else other than sleep and lay around.  It would be amazing if I didn't feel so horrible.  My mom's coming up in a few days too, so I am definitely feeling loved and taken care of!

I sure am glad I pushed myself in my workouts last week, because it's going to be a few more days at least until I can get back out there.

Super Bowl Mania has begun!!  Both teams arrived in NEW JERSEY {despite what Pete Carroll says} yesterday. I'm a little bummed I'm not going to any of the events taking place around here, but such is life.  I do need to get on with planning my Super Bowl party though.  Since Skip gets to work the big game, the girls and I will be inviting some friends over to celebrate it Jersey style:)  What are your go-to foods for football watching?

We're getting more sub-zero wind chills again tomorrow and Wednesday.  Awesome.  I am so not built for this weather.  That groundhog better predict and early spring this year. 

I finished reading The Long Survivor the other night.  Once I got into it, I literally couldn't put it down.  The movie is absolutely amazing, but it pales in comparison to the book.  I seriously can't stop thinking about it.  About the heroism, strength, and determination of those four men.  Even those words do not even begin to scratch the surface of the character of these men.  They are basically un-human in their loyalty to each other and the cause...their dedication goes above and beyond anything I know.  Do yourself a favor and go read it.  Especially if it makes you sad, or uncomfortable.  We need to remember their story...the stories of all those who have fought...all those who died.  We need to remember that we still have men and women fighting in Afghanistan today.  We cannot ever forget them.

Poor Emmy keeps thinking that the Giants are in the Super Bowl this year.  Thankfully she will barely notice once she gets a good look at the horses on Denver's helmets.

As parent's we're lucky enough to survive the toddler years of 2 and 3 with our kids relatively unscathed.  But let me tell you, age 5 is your reward for that.  I absolutely love the stage Emmy is in now.  She is so independent and loves doing things herself.  Getting dressed, making a few simple meals by herself, cleaning up toys, helping out with Charlie.  And not only does she have a desire to do them, she's really good at them too!  I can send her up to get ready for school in the morning, and the only thing I have to do is put her hair up.  It's amazing.

Also, her imagination is just running wild these days.  She is constantly making up games with her dolls.  She's gotten very creative with her art projects as well.  The other day she made a fish tank filled with fish to hang on our wall, and last night she taped together her very own book!  I love just watching what she will create next. 

 It is so frustrating to not be able to do anything other than lay around all day.  Sure it was nice for a day, but I'm over it now.  I told Skip that I will be like Supermom once I am better! 

I'm pretty sure I was one of the other people not watching the Grammy's or that Bachelor wedding thing on TV last night.  It was all about the Pro Bowl in this house.  People might make fun of it, but it was a really close game at the end there!

After the Super Bowl is over, The Dark Time begins.  That's what I refer to February and March.  No more football, still very cold and snowy, just miserable.  I'm going to have to plan a trip for us during that time next year...I think that will help.

Alright, time to get back to my fluids and rest.  Stay warm and healthy everyone!


  1. ah man I hope you feel better! This sickness is really spreading around like crazy right now. I really need to add Lone Survivor to my must read list before I see the movie.


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