Tuesday Mish Mash

I will not admit how long it took me to think of what day it is.  Between Christmas vacation, snow days, and my husband's weird schedule, I barely know where/when I'm supposed to be.

Thankfully Skip is off today and was able to take Emmy to school.  Mandy doesn't go out in -17 weather..I probably would have called her out.

Who else is excited that Pretty Little Liars comes back tonight?!?! I can't wait to see that Ezra is NOT really A...cause I'm just not okay with that.

Skip and I were thinking of getting into House of Cards...is it any good?

Poor sweet Emmy woke up screaming in pain early Sunday.  Apparently she slept funny, and had put her neck out.  It hurt her to move it at all, and in fact movement of any kind made her scream out in pain.  It was the saddest thing ever.  She was so super brave, and understanding that she had to rest all day {not easy for a 5 year old}.  Thankfully after lots of rest, ibuprofen, and alternating hot/cold, she was back to her old self again!

We did have to change around some of Skip's birthday plans that day, but he said he got to spend it with his little family, which was all he wanted to do anyway:)

The other day Emmy colored a whole bunch of pictures.  She wanted to walk around to all the houses in our town and give people a pictures.  What a sweet soul she has!

What's even sweeter is that Skip took her around to a few of our neighbors that we're friendly with.  They all happily took a picture.  When Emmy pressed about all the other houses, Skip explained that we didn't know all the people.  Emmy's response was that she didn't know all the kids in her class at the beginning of the year, and now they're friends.  Touche kid.

I'm determined to really step up my workouts this year.  So yesterday I treated myself to some 8 lb weights {I've been using 5 lbs for years now} and broke them in while doing Ripped in 30.  WOAH.  That 3 lbs makes a real difference!  My arms were shaking so bad after I was finished.  I'm not really too sore today though, so I definitely think it was the right move to move up!

Why is she so big?!?!?

I have been sick of looking at all!the!toys! since Christmas in our playroom.  No matter how many times we cleaned up, cleared out things, it still looked overly cluttered and messy.  Yesterday I decided enough was enough and Skip and I headed out to Home Depot.  We picked up two 9 cube things{and snagged some bins for them at Five Below!} and after putting them together, stacked them one on top of the other and bolted them to the wall.
These were the only before pictures I could find

Still a bit of a mess since girls were still playing, but SUCH a difference!

I could not be more excited with how they turned out!

I picked the winner of the Merci hostess package this morning, and here is our winner!

a Rafflecopter giveaway

Congrats!  I'll be in touch with you today!

Alright, I'm going to try and motivate myself to get to the gym.  Stay warm everyone!


  1. As a congressional staffer, I say "House of Cards" is pretty accurate and pretty good. You'll get sucked into once you start watching it! It's one of my favorite shows and I can't wait for the second season! It comes out on February 14.

  2. I love Emmy's hair! It's always so cute! I'm determined to step up my workouts this year too and FINALLY reach my goals!

  3. I'm glad Emmy is back to herself. That must have been scary! I'm with you on stepping up the workouts. I'm going to be looking for new weights when I go to Target this weekend. I need a change. I need to get back into getting my miles in too!


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