Big Changes

Big things have been happening around here this weekend!  If you follow me on Instagram or Twitter, then you probably saw this picture that I posted:

That would be Charlie's room with a toddler bed in it!  I can't believe it, my sweet little baby in a big girl bed!

I'll be honest, I've been putting this off for a while.  Emmy was much younger when we moved her to a toddler bed, but as is with most second child things, I was in no need to rush this.  I would have happily let Charlie sleep in a crib until she was 5.

But with our upcoming trip to Disney in June, Skip and I decided it would be best to change over before that, since she'll have to sleep in a bed on that trip.  I'll ideally potty-train her before we go as well, and didn't want too many big changes at once.

I realized this weekend was the perfect time to do it, because Emmy is off school this week.  If Charlie struggled to go to bed at night, I didn't want to have to get up super early the next morning to take Emmy to school.  And things like this are hard for me, so it seemed better to just bite the bullet than mull over it much longer.

I spent all of Saturday afternoon converting the bed, bolting furniture to the wall, and clearing out anything unnecessary in the room {she can be a bit of a climber this one}.  Once I was done, I brought Charlie up to get used to her bed a bit.  "This is great Mom!" she said as she first practiced getting in and out of it.  I told her what a big girl she was now, and how much fun she was going to have in her new bed.  Emmy was super excited as well, and really played up how big Charlie is getting.

At bedtime, I kept everything the same as normal.  After the girls brush their teeth, we do story, prayers, and song in Emmy's room.  I then took Charlie back to her room and helped her climb into the new bed.  I gave her a few extra snuggles, and then closed the door, leaving her to her new space.

The first 10 minutes, she was fine, just chatting away.  But then she started crying and asking for me, so I headed up.  She seemed a little confused about the whole thing and kept telling me the bed was broken.  I reassured her everything was fine, and sang a few songs to relax her.  Once she was calm, I headed back downstairs.

She was up for a little while longer, but never once got out of bed.  By 8:30 {we go up to start the bedtime routine at 7:00} she was fast asleep in her bed!  She stayed that way until 7:00 in the morning!!

Yesterday at nap went totally fine as well.  It took her a little while to fall asleep, but once again didn't get out of bed.  Bedtime was right back to normal last night as well.  She did wake up around 2:00 for about an hour, but she was just chatting to herself and playing in her bed.  She didn't try and get out then either.

I know that it's still early stages, and we could encounter some problems down the road still, but I could not be prouder of my big girl!  As children tend to do, it looks like Charlie was ready for this new phase of life much sooner than I was.  I'm a little sad that my baby is getting so big, but it is such a gift to get to see her move onto each new stage!


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