
I had made a list on my phone of all these blog topics I've thought about randomly during the day, but when I looked for it this morning I realized it's gone.  I must have deleted it by accident.  There was some good stuff on there too!  Oh well, so instead I'm just going to ramble a bit on here today, which is really all I seem to be doing recently.

I'm pretty sure this winter is going to destroy us all.  Even Skip is fed up with it, and he's never really annoyed by anything.  We're either stuck in our houses after 8"+ of snow is dropped on top of us, slipping and sliding on ice because our area ran out of salt, taking our chances on the roads after 3" of snow to get Emmy to school because she's already missed so much and I don't want her falling behind, or bundling up in 1500 layers just to get the mail because it's below 0* again.  Seriously, it has been freezing and snowing since December and I'm over it!  I haven't seen my lawn since before Christmas and I have no idea where we're going to put the 12" we're getting on Thursday.  Or the snow Sunday, or next week.  Whoever keeps praying for cold and snow PLEASE STOP.

The worst part of the winter though is the never ending sickness.  Charlie has been sniffly for about three weeks now, and just after I finally got over the flu, I seemed to have come down with a terrible cold.  I just want to be able to work out and clean the house properly again!  Who wants to fund my tropical vacation:)

This week last year is when Skip's mom was told there was nothing more the doctors could do, and she came home under hospice care.  That is a time and experience that has absolutely stayed with me every day since.  As we approach the anniversary of her death, the whole thing is in the forefront of my mind.  So needless to say it's been a pretty crappy week around here.

There are a few things making these long miserable weeks slightly better though.  The first is post-school treats with my girls.  We drive out of our way to go to the drive-thru Dunkin for mom and donuts for the girls and everyone is happy! 

I've also been working on a lot of home projects recently.  When I get bored and house-bound I start looking at things to repaint in the house.  I finally picked a color for Charlie's room, which I'll start on soon.  I also painted the desk and chair in our dining room the other day.  This is Emmy painting a picture of me it. 

To help soften the blow about the fact that there is NO MORE FOOTBALL:( Skip and I have started watching The West Wing.  Yes we are about 15 years behind.  That's okay though because it's so good!  We're only halfway through season 1 and I'm totally hooked.  Hopefully by the time we're done with the whole series it will be spring!  Maybe?  Hopefully?

I'm probably the only person who doesn't watch the Olympics.  I have nothing against it, it's just never been my thing.  Plus it's funny to see people's facial expressions when I tell them I don't watch a single event.  I swear people think this makes me not a real American.

I keep forgetting I have to make the snack for Emmy's Valentine's party on Friday!  Well, that is if there is school.  I'm keeping it simple with sugar cookies I'll make into hearts and throw some sprinkles on top.  We're also doing store bought Valentine's cards.  I'm a big fan of Pinterest crafts, but when it comes to V-Day I'll take those $3 cards any day!

Skip and I never really do much on Valentine's Day, and this year will be no different.  We're not doing gifts for each other {just cards} but did get a little something for each of the girls.  He's off that day so we've planned to take the girls out to dinner somewhere and then watch as much of season two of House of Cards as we can in one night!  Sounds perfect to me:)

Alright, enough rambling and complaining for one day.  Let's hope the weathermen get this one wrong and we're done with snow for the year!  {yeah right}  How are you surviving this epic winter?


  1. Oh girl, I feel your pain with the cold and thee snow. We don't have as much as you,but I am still beyond over it. I am so ready for spring that it is unbelievable.
    That sucks about losing that note! I do the samer thing! I have a long list of post ideas now and I am slowly ticking them off. It feels so good to have that motivation again!!

  2. I'm with you, I'm SO OVER the snow and cold!


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