February Miles

Happy Valentine's Day everyone!  I completely forgot to write up this post yesterday like I intended, so my apologies for being a little late!  Now to take a look at my mediocre February.

Thursday February 6 - 3 mile elliptical
Friday - none
Saturday - 2 mile elliptical / 1 mile treadmill
Sunday - none
Monday - none
Tuesday - none
Wednesday - none

Weekly Total - 6
February Total - 16.5

I was just getting back into the groove of working out, when I got sick again last Saturday.  I had tried to push through it at the gym, and really just made it worse.  So I really had to take a little time off this week and rest.  I'm hoping to get a little something in today, but we'll see.  The good thing is that at the half-way point, I am totally on track to do 30 miles.  Not bad considering how sick I've been!  Let's hope I can get in some really good workouts this week!

Adventures of Manda and Mr Howie


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