January / February Miles

I totally forgot to write up my post last week, so today is going to be a combo of closing out January and beginning February!

Thursday January 23 - 2 mile elliptical / 2 mile bike
Friday - Kickboxing
Saturday - none {flu}
Sunday - none
Monday - none
Tuesday - none
Wednesday - none
Thursday - none
Friday - none

Weekly Total - 4 miles
January total - 32.9 miles

Not the greatest month mile-wise, but at least I hit 30!  Plus the fact that the flu basically knocked me out for an entire week, I'm calling it a win!  Now on to February!

Saturday February 1 - 2.5 mile run
Sunday - none
Monday - none
Tuesday - 3 mile elliptical/ 5 mile bike
Wednesday - none

Weekly Total - 10.5
February Total - 10.5

I'm pretty happy with this since I'm still trying to get back into working out after being so sick.  Hopefully I'll be able to keep at it and increase my workouts for February!

Adventures of Manda and Mr Howie


  1. You're doing great! Especially for being sick!

  2. So great! I love that you keep track like this! So motivating! I might have to start writing down my routines :)

  3. I think you're doing a great job. I'm glad you're feeling better!


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