Nuby Oral Care Set - Four Stage System

My Charlie girl likes to move, grow, and develop at her own pace.  Some things she likes to do a little faster than most kids her age and some she's a little slower.  She won't be hurried or rushed but just meanders along at her own pace with milestones. 

One of these areas is her teeth coming in.  She started teething right around four months, and I assumed she'd follow a similar schedule to Emmy.  So as she drooled and gnashed on her fingers, we waited for those pearly whites to pop through.  We waited, and waited, and waited some more.  She was around a year before we saw anything peeking.

Even now, at 32 months, she doesn't have all her teeth in yet.  Two of them just made their appearance, and we are still waiting on two more after that.  Obviously, with this mix of established teeth, new teeth, and bare gums, it is tough to find the right toothbrush to take care of all her needs.  That's why I was excited to try out the Nuby Oral Care Set - Four Stage System.

Now the point of this system is to carry a child from infancy to toddlerhood and beyond.  However, for our family, we are using it a little differently. 

I use the stage one brush {and stage three when she is in pain!} to massage and clean Charlie's gums where no teeth have popped through yet.

I use the stage two brush to clean the teeth that have just started coming through her gums.

And I used stage four to brush her already established teeth.

This system has really helped me to get all of Charlie's teeth and gums nice and clean!  This set is BPA free and can be used on the newest of newborns.  I love how it promotes the early development of good dental hygiene and protects the primary teeth.  All pluses in my book!

You can purchase your own Nuby Oral Care Set at the following retailers.
Baby Depot at Burlington

Also, make sure you are following Nuby at the following locations!  You don't want to miss out on any of their great contests and giveaways!

Disclaimer: As a Nuby Mommy Blogger, I received this item free of charge in order to complete my review.  All thoughts, opinions, and pictures are my own.


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