Quick to Judge

I wasn't going to blog about this topic, I really wasn't.  But the more I thought and read about it, I figure this is a great way to start some important discussions and bring some awareness to things.

First off, I haven't watched The Biggest Loser in years.  I used to, religiously, but just kind of stopped.  Most of the reason was because I was a little tired of just watching the contestants cry all the time.  I never once, however, saw this show as a realistic portrayal of weight loss.  First off, it's a reality show, which in and of itself is a little fake.  Also, living on a ranch, away from all other distractions and having nothing but time to exercise will obviously produce much more dramatic results than any average person can achieve.  I did think it was getting more and more ridiculous as the seasons went on to see people losing 20+ pounds each week.  But the bigger the weigh losses, the bigger the ratings I'm sure, and all TV shows are really only concerned about that at the end of the day.

Anyways, I did not watch this season of The Biggest Loser.  Thanks to Twitter though, I knew last night was the big season finale.  I was then surprised to see a flurry of tweets expressing shock at one of the contestants, Rachel {who was last night's winner} and how much weight she loss.  I was interested so I looked into it a bit more.  What I found was this...Rachel is my height and her finale weight is the same as mine.  I looked at the pictures and yes, her before and after are quite shocking...155lb weight loss will do that.  But I was not as horrified by her after photos as everyone else was.  Mainly because when I look at her, I see a girl who is pretty much built like me now, thin with some noticable muscle tone.  What was horrifying to me was all the name-calling, skinny-shaming I witnessed.  {I'm not talking about everyone I follow, some people were just questioning whether or not she did this in a healthy way}.

Now here's the thing, I have no idea if Rachel lost all that weight in a healthy way...but neither do any of you.  Maybe it was too fast for her to lose that much weight in less than a year.  Maybe the poor girl has developed an eating disorder because of her quest for winning and the experience she had on the show.  If that is the case than she needs help.  She doesn't need millions of people calling her "disgusting" "a skeleton" and telling her "go eat a sandwich".  None of this is constructive discussion of the eating disorder problem in this country.

Being severely underweight causes a whole lot of health problem....though depending on a doctor's opinion, being slightly underweight for your height does not.  Other than when I was pregnant I have been this weight since I was in high school {except for my freshman year of college when I discovered the wonders of late-night Ramen noodles} I eat healthy, but with plenty of treats, and work out a healthy amount.  My doctor has always said I am at a great weight for my body.  So yeah, I'm going to feel personally offended a little when people are saying terrible things about a girl with the same height and weight as me.

Here's the other thing.  You know what else is unhealthy and causes a lot of health problems?  Being overweight.  It is also a problem in this country that really needs to be addressed.  But you know what, I would never look at an overweight person and automatically think they have an over-eating disorder.  They could, or there could be a variety of other reasons as to why they carry around extra weight.  It's really none of my business; it's a personal discussion that person should have with their doctor.  I also would never calculate some one's BMI and just assume they are unhealthy based on that single number.  Do you know how many athletes would technically have an overweight BMI?  Probably most of them as muscle weighs more than fat.  But none of them are unhealthy.  So in the same way we should not just assume that a person with a slight underweight BMI {hers and mine are 18...by the weigh, 18.5 is what is considered "normal"} is starving herself.

I find it amazing that so many people immediately assumed that someone on the thinner side obviously doesn't eat.  It is absolutely as offensive as someone assuming a person who is overweight is lazy. 

I'm not saying that Rachel doesn't have an eating disorder, nor am I saying she does.  What I'm saying is maybe we all shouldn't be so quick to judge.


  1. I don't watch the show but I saw all the buzz in the media so I checked it out. I will admit that I was a little shocked by how skinny she was but at the same time, I know she worked her butt off to lose that weight and I that's where she is comfortable, then I say leave her alone! I think people should be focusing on the work those contestants put into losing that weight rather than judge their appearance. I say good for her! And you're right, some people are just built that way.

  2. As someone who has lost 100 lbs (size 18 to a size 2/4), I also get flack from people who say I need to eat something. I lost my weight the right way (eating properly, more healthful and exercising daily). It's rare to the point of almost never that I give myself cheat days. I don't like the word and I never feel like I need to indulge. I did not do these crazy cleanses or use diet pills. Just did it old fashioned way.

    I also strive to keep the weight off so I choose to continue to eat properly and exercise. It's part of my lifestyle now and I don't want to go back to my old weight. I was miserable, sick often, always hot and sweating and just didn't feel well.

    I'm happy where I am and what I have accomplished. I say, hats off to this girl. She appears to have worked hard!

    In addition...people who are dedicated to something always catch a bunch of crap by the people who just want to attain the goal, but not work for it.

  3. I don't watch the show either for this exact reason. You're exactly right, it's a reality show and it's not 100% real. If you read reddit threads of past contestants and things like that, they say a lot of the time people gain the weight right back is because the program we see on TV is so focused on results and not changing your lifestyle. I don't think anyone should be making judgments aside from the fact that it's great she lost all that weight and I hope she continues to be and feel healthy.

  4. Well said, friend!

    I've said it to people before, too. An overweight person can have an eating disorder just like anyone else. Who are we to judge?

  5. I'm glad you wrote this. I also owe you a FB message. You rock!

  6. yes! Being over weight is a disease but yet I hear no one making comments about them. None of my business why they're overweight.


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