What I'm Loving

Here are a few things I have found recently, and am loving, and I thought I'd pass them on to you! You can just click on any of the links to purchase them yourself! {this is not a sponsored post, just some things I love, but I am using affiliate links}

The Lumene skin care line

I stumbled upon this at CVS one day and have absolutely fallen in love.  It really helps brighten my skin and makes it super smooth! I have been using the Lumene Radiant Touch Refreshing Foam Cleanser, Lumene Radiant Touch Refreshing Toner, 6.8 Fluid Ounce, Lumene Vitamin C+ Pure Radiance Day Cream ~ 1.7 Fl. Oz.Lumene Vitamin C Pure Radiance Night Cream for just a few weeks now and am sold on the results!

Marcus Luttrell

 I've talked about my love of the movie The Lone Survivor in previous posts. The book Lone Survivor: The Eyewitness Account of Operation Redwing and the Lost Heroes of SEAL Team 10
was even more captivating, as was Marcus Luttrell's follow up book Service: A Navy SEAL at War It talks about his post-Operation Red Wing life and a subsequent deployment to Iraq. They are both an absolute must read in my book.

The West Wing

Ever since Skip and I got into Homeland, we have become obsessed with all things to do with Washington DC and politics.  That first led to us watching Scandal, then House of Cards {which I'm still not even sure I really like yet} and now The West Wing: The Complete Series Collection.  I know we're over a decade behind on this, but we are just loving it!  It's such a fast-paced smart show, and I love how it inspires political conversations between Skip and I.  If you have time to binge watch 155 episodes, definitely check this out!

OK to Wake! Owl with Night-Light and Music Nap Timer

I cannot explain enough how much I love the OK To Wake! Owl With Night-Light & Music, Nap Timer .  It really has changed things around here.  We were having some problems with Emmy wandering into our room all hours of the night.  I had heard about this alarm clock before from a friend, but I did not want to spend the money on it.  Let me tell you, it is worth every single penny.  We can set the alarm inside it whatever time we want her to get out of bed in the morning.  When it is time, the owl turns green and tells her she can get up.  She can squeeze it before that, and it will glow yellow and remind her to stay in bed a little longer.  It's great because it gives Emmy a little control as she knows that as soon as it's green she can come in and get us.  Because of that, she doesn't get out of bed before that now.  More sleep for all is always a win!

What things are you loving these days??

{all photos are from Amazon}


  1. I used to love the West Wing!! My brother read Lone Survivor and said it's a great book, I need to read it. The movie was just so raw.

  2. I need to try Lumene! My skin is a mess from the cold!!

  3. Can't wait for Lone Survivor to come in at the library. I saw the movie and balled like a child at the end. I can't imagine.

  4. I seriously love the West Wing. I got sick about 5 years ago and watched every episode! I love that show!


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