A Normal Weekend

I rarely, if ever, do a "weekend recap" post here on the blog.  I'm not opposed to them, it's just that our weekends are usually not very note-worthy.  Skip is normally working more overtime that normal...and the girls and I really just become home-bodies because of that.  It also has been much too cold to do anything more than that, so our weekends are pretty boring.

But not this past weekend, it was wonderful and something I really needed to help get me through this last push of winter.  First off, Skip was home....on a Saturday and Sunday....both of them...all day long.  If you're a cop wife, you know how very rare that is.  I'm pretty sure he hasn't been off on a weekend since well before Christmas.  And yes, I understand that he is off two other days during the week, but with Emmy in school full-time, that means she gets to spend much less time with Skip now.  It's also nearly impossible to try and do things together as a family.  So I was going to relish every moment we had.

Saturday was going to be in the low 60's, and that fact alone put us all in a good mood.  Emmy and I had to get dressed up and head out to my bestie's baby shower!  She is due with her first baby, a sweet little girl, in May, and I might just be as excited as she is.  There were going to be lots of little girls there, and they were all encouraged to dress up in their princess finery.  So Emmy requested her Frozen dress complimented with some Cinderella hair.  Done.

We both had such a fabulous time at the shower.  Emmy was beyond excited to run around with her little friends, and I was so happy to be able to sit and enjoy some adult conversations with mine.  I cannot stress to you how well behaved Emmy was.  She went off with the kids when appropriate, but made sure to come back to me when it was time to eat.  She successfully navigated the buffet line with me, and sat like a little lady during lunch.  We both had a wonderful time and I could not have been prouder of her.

Once we got home and Charlie got up from her nap, Skip and I decided to take the girls to the park.  It was the first time since November we'd been able to go.  Even with some warmer days recently, all the parking lots have been used to house the excess snow in the town.  But thankfully we were able to navigate the giant piles and find a place to park the car this time.

The park was so crowded as everyone was hoping to soak up as much Vitamin D as possible.  We all had such a great time though.  There was sliding, scootering, swinging, and watching kite-flyers.

After all that fresh air, we headed home for dinner and a nice early bedtime!

Sunday was much colder again {boo!} so we decided to keep it a more low-key day.  We got a few things done around the house, rested, relaxed, and of course ended the day with a Frozen viewing.  Skip hadn't seen it yet, so we had saved watching it till he could be there.
Ana hair and a Rapunzel dress...obviously

This weekend was exactly the refreshing break I needed.  Hopefully it'll be able to get me through this next week of winter returning weather!

How was your weekend?  And let me tell you, if you're husband is home every weekend, thank your lucky stars!  It's amazing!!


  1. Sounds wonderful! My husband and I own a small business and he's ALWAYS at the office. Saturdays too. So I completely understand! And I'm so ready for this winter to be over too! Spring is going to be amazing this year! :)


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