Hey, It's Okay Tuesday!

I'm linking up today with Airing My Dirty Laundry for her Hey, It's Okay Tuesday! 

Airing My Dirty Laundry

It's Okay:
- That I we helped Emmy make a leprechaun trap after she asked us to.  We used to make them in school growing up as well.  I love being able to add in some magic to the every day, and as my grandma was a big fan of St. Paddy's, I felt it was important to go all out this year.  It's also okay if you and your family didn't.  Isn't that great that we all have the choice to parent our own kids?

- To be waaaay more excited about the Pretty Little Liars finale than I should be.  Apparently we're finally going to be getting a lot of answers tonight!

- To be seriously, seriously, seriously done with this winter.  I'm so glad that we didn't get any snow this past weekend, but these cold temps really need to get out of here.

- To be extremely concerned about the fact that they still haven't been able to find this plane, or the 200+ people on board.  I can track my Dominos order from my phone...how hard is it to find a plane?!?  There is definitely something not right going on here.

- To be overly frustrated with unions and my husband not getting the money he's owed for years now.

- To want to win the mega millions, but also don't want to waste money on a ticket.

- To be annoyed by people who think they have a right to complain about what people blog about.  Sure, some people want to talk about things that are real and raw.  But sometimes people want to take a break from the serious things in their own lives and just blog about fluff.  Who are we to judge someone based on a tiny slice of the internet.  They must have obviously forgotten about the "unclick" button...use it more often. 

- To not totally understand what's going on in the Ukraine right now.

- To immediately change back into my sweats after dropping Emmy off at school...and not put my "real" clothes back on until it's time to go pick her up.  I'm just so much more productive in comfy clothes!

- To miss football but not the cold fall weather.

- To be trying to figure out how to go see Divergent on opening day.  Maybe I'll head to the movies by myself for the first time?

Have a great day everyone!


  1. I blog about fluff a lot. If that bugs people, I figure they can just not read?

    It is scary that they haven't found the plane yet.

  2. Eek- totally with you about the plane. I feel like I'm mildly obsessed with that story- I think I've read every conspiracy theory out there. Find the freakin' plane already!!!


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