Monday Mish Mash

Poor Emmy is home with a stomach bug today.  It was yesterday she was sick, and thankfully she seems to be all better this morning.  Still had to keep her home though since she had a fever last night, and while I'm sad she was sick, I'm excited to have another snuggly day with my girls.

And as we are on day #4 of cold, damp rain, staying in the house is not something I am minding today.  I think I shall declare it a pajama day!

As of today I am officially out of my salted caramel mocha coffee creamer:(  It is my most favorite creamer ever, but only offered seasonally during Christmastime.  I planned a bit better this year and stockpiled as much as I could in the freezer.  Considering they stop selling it at the beginning of January, that's pretty good in my book.  Now how to convince Skip to get a second freezer just to store enough to last me year 'round....hmm...

Last Wednesday something amazing happened.  For the first time in eight months I didn't have to put the girls to bed {cue angels singing}.  Seriously, I have done bedtime every single night since August because of Charlie's intense separation anxiety.  She's been getting a bit better recently though, so I suggested to Skip that we give it a try.  We figured it would be easiest if I was out of the house completely, so I practically ran out the door to Kohls.  Thankfully, everything went smoothly so there might be a light at the end of the tunnel!!  Of course I missed them as soon as I got home. #momproblems. 

The girls have been playing together so well recently.  Sure there is still a decent amount of whining and arguing still.  But the quiet moments of them entertaining each other is totally worth it.

Skip was off again this weekend like a "normal" person.  SO AMAZING.  Most of the time I'm okay with the fact that he's off random days during the week.  But having a taste of being a regular family was so so sweet.  I am definitely envious of all of you who can spend quality family time every weekend.  Oh was nice while it lasted.

Every single night that Skip is home, we race to get the kids down to sleep so we can sit on the couch and watch The West Wing.  Pretty sure I have an unhealthy obsession with that show.  But it is just so good.  We have less than two seasons left now, and I don't know what I'm going to do once it's over.  The characters have become like friends to me!  Clearly I need help.

I am embarrassed to admit that even with my all-things-political obsession these days, I have never been to Washington DC.  Most public school kids in my area go with their 8th grade class for a field trip, but our Catholic school was not on board with that.  And I just never got around to it after that.  I am dying to go and am hoping to plan a trip there in the near future!

Alright, time to go work on some laundry so I'm free to watch more West Wing tonight!  Everyone stay warm and pray for spring to come!!


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