April Miles

Thursday April 10 - 3.6 mile run
Friday - 3.3 mile run
Saturday - 3 mile run
Sunday - Supreme 90 Total Body
Monday - 2.3 mile run
Tuesday - none
Wednesday - none

Weekly Total - 12.2 miles
April Total Miles - 14.7
April workout total - 9

I'm not quite where I want to be for the month, but I was pretty proud of my workouts this past week.  With Florida less that two months away I really want to focus more on toning up the next few weeks.  Hopefully it gets back to being warm so I can keep up my outside running!

How was this week for you?  I'm hoping for a nice long workout this morning so I can eat as much Easter candy as I want this weekend!!

Adventures of Manda and Mr Howie


  1. You're doing great with having a stomach bug at the beginning of the month! Ya for Florida trips! I'm trying to tone up for ours too.


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