Midnight Moments

As I mentioned the other day, Charlie has been waking up in the middle of the night for about the past week.  I'm not exactly sure what's causing it, but she's always been my trouble sleeper, so I'm pretty used to it.

As much as I love and need my sleep, I am finding joy in these middle of the night hours spent with her.  The first night it happened, she started crying around midnight.  I went in her room to see if I could comfort her a bit.  After getting her some milk and a fresh diaper, Charlie requested I read a story to her.  I had her get up out of bed, and chose her own book for me to read.  This is what she came back with.


 Obviously Charlie doesn't remember what this book is about, but I do.  Tears pricked in the corner of my eyes as I gathered her in my lap to read it.  As I read the soothing words over and over, the tears slipped down, just as they did when my grandma would read this story to me as a little girl.

Once the story was over, I asked Charlie what song she wanted me to sing.  "Baby Mine" she replied and snuggled a little deeper under the blanket.  This song has always been a favorite of hers, and she sang along for a bit with me.

As Charlie got drowsier, I tucked the blanket closer around her, and kissed her goodnight, pouring all my love for her into that kiss.

As I tiptoed out of her room, I felt so blessed to have had those precious moments with my littlest.  I absolutely love my sleep, but there's something so wonderful about those quiet, midnight wake-ups.


  1. Seriously? i cry every single time I read that book. I still have the copy I used to read to my oldest and during story time with Savanna he came in the other night, we read it and I bawled like a baby. He's going to be 11 next month. Talk about having a break down.

  2. Aww, so true. Like you, I LOVE my sleep, but there is something so precious about those one-on-one late night moments (as long as they don't happen every night- ha).


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