Monday Mish Mash

It may be Monday, and I may have been up for two hours in the middle of the night, but I still know this is going to be a good day.  I think the slight sunburn I'm rocking from yesterday and the fact that it's going to flirt with 80* again today have something to do with it!

We're just going to ignore the fact that it will be in the 30's again by Wednesday.

Emmy was fine all morning as we were getting ready for school, but then got very upset when we were in the car.  She kept saying that she missed Braddock and was nervous about going to school.  I gave her teacher a head's up to keep an eye on her.  I hope she has a good day!!  It's going to be a long one for me as I'm already counting down the minutes until I can get her.

I finally took out my 'big girl camera' after months of collecting dusts and snapped a few pictures of the girls!  I'll share some more of these later in the week.

Emmy's dance recital information was handed out during class the other day, and we were notified that the original date after Father's Day changed.  They moved it up.  To when we will be in Disney:(  I will not confirm or deny if I immediately started crying in the waiting room.  Yes, being in Disney is by far the best reason to miss a dance recital, but I didn't think it was too much to ask to be able to do both.

The recital is something Emmy has been talking about forever as well, so in order to soften the blow, we are going to tell her about Disney {we were originally going to wait until the day before we left}  My bestie got them some shirts that say "I'm going to Disney World" and we're going to have the girls open them this Friday!

Does anyone have any experience with a lazy eye in toddlers?  I'd love to ask you a few questions!

Emmy drew these pictures of Skip and I the other night.  It's amazing how her drawings have progressed from stick figures to this!  I'm still stuck in stick figures.

I pretty much shoved the girls outside every free moment we had this weekend.  After the months and months and months of winter, I am determined to enjoy every second!

Charlie has woken up crying in the middle of the night, every night, for about the past week.  She calms down once I go in there for a bit, and eventually falls asleep on her own.  Not sure what's going on there, but I'm drinking plenty of coffee until I figure it out!

I'm scrambling for what to do for Easter this year.  Husb has to go into work at 1:00 and will be there till late at night, so it's just going to be me and the girls.  I thought about taking the girls out to dinner, but as we're going to start potty training with Charlie the day before, that's probably not the best idea.

Also, omg we are about two weeks away from no more diapers ever!!  Cue the angels singing.

Alright, time for Charlie and I to go out and play.  Have a great Monday everyone!


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