Obligatory Easter Post

What would the day after a holiday look like without a million blog recaps!?!?  I don't want to know.  In all honesty, I really love seeing how everyone spent their holiday, so keep the recaps coming!

It has been a loooong few days around here {which I will blog about it more detail over the week} so I was looking forward to a relaxing Easter.  We had been invited to spend it with each of our families, but as Skip was working 1- 11pm, we felt it best and easiest just to stay home as a little family of four.  I knew it would be a tough afternoon being without Skip, and it being the first Easter without my Grandma, but we would make it work the best we could.

We had colored our eggs Saturday morning, and so everything was good to go by the time Skip got home from work late Saturday night.  He and I put out the Easter baskets and hid all the eggs around the house.

The girls were up bright and early Sunday morning, and very excited to head downstairs.  They looked through their baskets and then took off gathering up all the eggs!

Charlie was really into it, until she realized there was chocolate inside them.  Once she figured that out, she planted herself on the couch with the few eggs she had found and started snacking away!

Even though it was just us, I planned a nice Easter lunch for us to have....ham, potatoes au gratin, stuffing, and rolls!  As lunch was in the oven, we all got dressed up {I in a new outfit Skip had surprised me with!} and attempted to take a few family pictures.  This did not quite go as planned.

I have no idea how so many people managed to get everyone smiling and looking fabulous, but we were not that lucky.

After stuffing ourselves on lunch and some more chocolate, the girls headed upstairs for a nap, and Skip left for work.  I won't lie, Skip having to work almost every holiday never gets easier.

The girls and I had an okay afternoon considering.  We just had a typical dinner and then spent most of the evening deep cleaning the downstairs {exciting I know}  As we are in the middle of potty training Charlie, we're pretty much chained to the house right now, so this was the best we could do.  We ended the evening with some TV and snuggles, before heading to bed.  My bestie came over to hang out with me for a bit until Skip got home a little before midnight.

Considering Skip was gone most of the day, we had a really nice holiday.  It was nice to not have to go anywhere and just enjoy the time as a family.

Hope you all had a wonderful day!


  1. So cute! Glad you had such a good day!

  2. Skip did a great job with your outfit! Super cute!

  3. I'm really glad you had a nice day, despite Skip having to work. Your girls are too cute and you looked beautiful!

  4. It looks like you had a good day and made the best of it even though he had to work. I had to work in the morning so I know that feeling of workin on the holiday.


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