A Day to Remember

Yesterday was a good day, a really good day.  Which I feel really guilty about, as it is a day set aside to remember all those in uniform who gave our lives for our freedom.  And don't worry, among the wonderful times our family spent together, Skip and I made sure to remember those who died.  We talked about those we knew, those we learned the names of.  In our house, we never let their sacrifice go unnoticed.

But among all that, we had such a sweet summer-like day together.  First off, the temps topped out in the upper 80's, which in my book means everything is just a little bit better.  Skip had to work, but not until the afternoon, so we had the whole morning together.

The girls slept till 8 {wahoo!} and we all got up and quickly got dressed before heading into the parade in our town.  I hadn't bought special outfits for the girls for the holiday, whoops, but we made do.

As soon as we got home, we quick changed into our bathing suits and headed out to the backyard.  Baby pool, water table, splash pad, we set up it all!  We proceeded to stay out there all morning, through Skip grilling up a delicious lunch!

We ate outside and then all did a little relaxing before nap.

 The girls took a nice nap while Skip went off to work.  When they got up, the three of us headed back outside for more fun!

We played until after 5, so I decided to pick up dinner with them rather than cook.  We got some fast food and decided to dine outside again!

Afterwards there was a little more playing, and some ice cream cones to top it all off!

We had a late bath and I got the girls to bed.  It took Charlie a surprising long time to get to sleep...I would have thought that playing outside all day would have tired her out, but apparently not!  She eventually fell asleep though, and I was able to get in a workout and deep clean our downstairs.

Overall it was a simple, yet wonderful day with my little family.  It has gotten me so excited for the long lazy days of summer to come!  


  1. The girls look so cute in their matching outfits! Also, holy foxy mama. How have you had two kids? Don't feel bad about having a good day - that's the point! Men and women serve and give their lives so that we have the freedom to do the things we do. I'm sure all of those people would feel like their sacrifice was for nothing if we spent the day mourning and being sad instead of celebrating their lives.


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