Featured Blogger, Tv, and Missing Daddy-itis

{one} I woke up to a fabulous email this morning from BlogHer saying that my potty training post is being featured on their site today!!  It really made my day, I won't lie.  Go check me out!!

{two} Poor Emmy was suffering from "missing daddy-itis" yesterday {her words, not mine}  She's at an age now where she realizes that most other dads are home every night and on weekends and holidays, but hers isn't.  It's been really rough on her recently.  It's hard too, because there's noting we can do to change it.  Skip is actually off on Sunday though, so he and Emmy are going to head out for a daddy/daughter date all day.  Fishing, horse-riding, and the park are on the agenda apparently!

{three} Raise your hand if you cried during Grey's last night {raises hand!}  I know some people don't like the character of Christina, but I have always thought she was one of the best.  I don't like how different the show is going to be without her.  I feel disappointed in the lack of goodbye between her and Owen...and her and Callie too!  But the one with Meredith was perfect, so I guess it made up for it.  Did anyone see that shocking revelation at the end?!!?  Not sure how I feel about it...or how realistic it really could be.  At least we have the summer to process.

{four} Charlie is doing so well with her eye patch.  She asks for "pirate time" every morning and gets mad if I won't put another patch on at the end of the day as well.  I am so proud of how easily she has adapted to this!

{five} I really need to stop binge watching shows on Netflix.  First Skip and I were in a West Wing hibernation for weeks.  Now I've discovered One Tree Hill and every night Skip works, I just sit and cram in as many episodes as possible.  I have tons to catch up around the house, but nothing seems as important as finding out if Peyton and Lucas will ever get married.  I'm in the middle of season 6 now and can't wait to finish so I can get back to my life.  Please don't suggest any new shows to me...I have no willpower.

Happy weekend everyone!!


  1. First Go Charlie!! She's rocking that patch! And I'll bet you are so relieved that it's not a fight to get her to wear them!! Second I totally binged One Tree Hill a couple years ago and did not love Lucas and Peyton! I was team Brooke and Lucas! LOL. And last, it's so hard when littles miss their Daddys! When Brad was out of town last year for work, Preston had such a hard time with it! I hope they have so much fun on their Daddy Daughter date!

  2. I'm telling you, West Wing was and still is my favorite show. The writing was amazing and the show never got old. You'll have to look up the article that EW did on it a few years ago when they caught up with everyone on the show.

    Glad she's doing ok with the patch!


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