Weekend Update

In addition to our Memorial Day being so wonderful, our entire weekend was pretty awesome as well.  Skip worked the day shift Friday, and then was off all weekend....yes that's right, Saturday and Sunday too!  A real treat, let me tell you.  

We kicked off Friday by heading in to Brooklyn for the wedding of one of my college girls.  Unfortunately we missed the ceremony due to the crazy traffic in Manhattan.  At least there was plenty to look at while stuck in traffic!
George Washington Bridge

The Intrepid

Freedom Tower

The actual wedding was gorgeous and so much fun.  I love a night out with my man, and getting to spend time with these girls and their husbands!

Thankfully there was no traffic on the way home...just an insane thunderstorm.  Always something right!

Saturday was a relaxing day spend taking Emmy to dance, just hanging out in the afternoon, and an in-home movie night with Skip once the girls went to bed.  

Sunday morning was spent outside and getting a few things done.  After naptime we took the girls to visit my bestie's brand new baby.  The girls had been begging me for days, and were beyond excited.  Emmy was the most enamored and constantly wanted to hold her!  Sweetest thing ever.

We then headed over to the park before a nice family dinner.

Skip and I watched another movie together that night, to top off a fabulous weekend!


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