Charlie's 3rd Birthday / Father's Day

Sunday was a big day of celebration for all of us.  Not only was it Father's Day, but Charlie's third birthday as well!!  Even though we were so far from home and not having a typical family party, I wanted it to be as special as I could make it.  I had brought not only all the gifts for them, but also tons of Bubble Guppies decorations and tried to make the best of it.

She woke up all happy and excited to see everything, and immediately dove into opening the gifts.  She opened hers, as well as helped Skip with his!

After a little playing with the new toys, we headed out for a quick early morning swim.

Since we were still going through Disney withdrawal, Skip and I decided we should all head back to Downtown Disney for a bit.  We made lunch reservations at T Rex and headed out!

Now, I assumed that the girls would love this restaurant.  They're both obsessed with dinosaurs and the food looked really good.  Well things didn't go as planned.  Emmy thought it was cool for about 10 minutes, and then got a little nervous by all the noise and movement.  Charlie was pretty much petrified the whole time.

We asked for our check as soon as the food came and got out of there as fast as we could.  I just felt so bad that Charlie was so upset during her birthday lunch!

We obviously had some cheering up to do after that, so we took the girls on the carousel and over to the splash pad!

Back at the hotel Charlie was being very whiny and clingy.  We had been away from home for so long, and poor girl was just done.  So Skip and Emmy went out to do some fishing and more swimming in the pool, while Charlie and I just relaxed in the room.

When they got back, we broke out the pinata I had bought.  Definitely a fun time had by all!!

We ordered in some pizza for dinner and then it was time for cake!

This was definitely Charlie's favorite part of the day!  Girlfriend loves her sweet treats, that's for sure!

It had been a good day, but loooong, so we got the girls to bed early and Skip and I spent the night packing up all our stuff.  It was time to start the road trip back in the morning!


  1. This is so awesome! I loved reading all your trip recaps and I'm glad you guys had such a great time! Happy 3rd Birthday Charlie!

  2. Happy 3rd Birthday, Charlie. It looks like it was a great day despite the scary restaurant!!!

  3. C is so cute! Looks like a great day!


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