I Kind of Live in Stars Hollow

I live in this tiny, adorable little town in NJ.  It's about 2 square miles and about 10,000 people.  Most towns around me are not much larger than that in square mileage, but mine is one of the only ones with a really cute downtown area.  There is one long lamp-lined street filled with restaurants, stores, and salons.  It ends right at the railroad station, and just beyond that there is the Veteran's Park.  The park is just a big grassy area with gazebo in the middle.  The whole thing has a very Gilmore Girls-esque feel to it sometimes.

What adds to that effect, are the town functions we put on.  Christmas parades, sidewalk sales, concerts in the park, etc. It really is fantastic to have so many cute things to do in town.  What's even better is our house is only about a 10 minute walk from town, so it's super easy to just pop in and see what's going on.

Back in May, there was a craft fair going on in the park area.  There were tons of tables set up with people selling all sorts of things.  Statues, clothing, jewelry, etc.  Some was hand-made, some not.  Skip was actually off that day, so we popped the girls in the double stroller and headed it.

Emmy had brought some of her piggy bank money and was eager to pick out something for herself.  She and Charlie loved just wandering around, looking in all the little booths.  Emmy finally decided on a little cat statue for herself, and matching yellow bracelets for her and Charlie.  Pretty sure my heart melted when she said she wanted to get one for her little sis as well.

After we were done shopping we headed over to get some squeeze-cup Italian ice...a must for sure!  We relaxed in the shade for a bit while we had our treat.

I absolutely love that our little town has so many fun activities for us to head in and go to.  In fact my mom and I just headed in there recently to the big sidewalk sale every year.  The whole main street shuts down and all the stores open up onto the sidewalk.  There were bouncy-houses, face-painting, and of course, more Italian ice!

I'm so happy we bought a house here and have such a great place to raise our girls.  Our area of NJ is super crowded, but this definitely brings a small-town feel to the place.  Now if only I could find my own Luke or Taylor we'd be set!


  1. I LOVE small town living! Your town sounds perfect to raise your girls!

  2. I love small towns! I grew up in a small town and when I moved to the big city, I still ended up moving to a small town outside of it. ha.


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